Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Aug 20, 2017 TDI Podcast: Dr. Hossein Kazemi On Hedge Fund Performance (#522)

Dr. Hossein Kazemi

Hedge Funds, Economics, IPOs, Terrorism (SNAP), (YOGA), (OIL), (FL), (AMZN), (APRN), (OIL) play
Jul 30, 2017 TDI Podcast – Women, Wine and Wall Street with Nora Yousif (#519)

Nora Yousif

Woman and Money, Confirmation bias, economics (AMZN), (AAPL) play
Jul 02, 2017 TDI Podcast: Jon Markman On The Future of AI (#516)

Jon Markman

Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Economy, Jobs, Stock picks (BABA), (AAPL), (GE), (GOOG), (IBM), (AMZN), (SAP), (NVDA), (JBT), (DPZ), (VERI) play
Jun 26, 2017 TDI Podcast: A Cryptocurrency Flash Crash (#515)

Biotechs, Cyber Currencies, Economics, HealthCare (AMZN), (FDX), (WFM), (UNFI), (KR), (TGT), (CARA), (XBI), (ETH) play
Jun 18, 2017 TDI Podcast: Smokin’ Ribs and Hot Markets (#514)

Amazon and Whole Foods, Latest Fed moves, why rates are staying low, economic outlook (AMZN), (TGT), (KR), (WMT), (COST), (SFM), (SVU), (UNFI), (WFM) play
Jun 11, 2017 TDI Podcast: DOL Fiduciary Rule with Michael Eastham (#513)

Michael Eastham

DOL Rule, NASDAQ plunge, tech stocks, listener questions (FB), (AMZN), (AAPL) play
May 14, 2017 TDI Podcast: The Robo Rip , SNAP and Banger (#509)

SNAP Earnings, Robo Advice, Economics, Big Box Retail Carnage (SNAP), (SPY), (M), (DDS), (KSS), (JCP), (STRP), (UP), (DOWN), (AMZN), (FB) play
Apr 23, 2017 TDI Podcast – Reinventing Retirement with Damion Lupo (#506)

Damion Lupo

Phase 2 of Life, Reinvention, Earnings, Benefits of Financial Advisor (AMZN), (AAPL), (MSFT), (AMZN), (GOOG) play
Oct 30, 2016 TDI Podcast: Sound Income Strategies Plus a Surprise Guest (#482)

David Scranton

Frank Curzio

Income alternatives, Economic update, October Surprise, Earnings Outlook (AMZN), (NFLX), (DXY) play
May 01, 2016 TDI Podcast: The Real Estate Deal with Kathy Fettke (#461)

Kathy Fettke

Real estate trends, earnings, Japan, economy (AAPL), (AMZN), (DXJ), (SPY) play
Nov 29, 2015 TDI Podcast: Game Plan – Key Support Levels (#440)

Economics, Central Bank actions, China, Key Support, Year end outlook (M), (BBY), (AMZN), (SPY), (QQQ), (DIA) play
Nov 22, 2015 TDI Podcast: Investment Worthy Trends (#439)

Investment trends, economics, markets, technical analysis, fundamental analysts (DAL), (AAL), (GRUB), (GRMN), (NFLX), (LMT), (CCL), (AAL), (PCLN), (EXPE), (AMZN), (MBLY), (GOOGL), (FDX), (UPS), (V), (MA) play
Oct 25, 2015 TDI Podcast: The Inside Scoop on Automated Investing (#435)

Jon Stein

Robo-Investing, Stimulus, Markets, Earnings, China, Draghi, Euro, Currencies (GOOG), (AMZN), (WHR), (MSFT), (WTW), (FIT), (P) play
Apr 26, 2015 TDI Podcast: Daytrading As A Business With Fausto (#410)

Fausto Pugliese

Greece, Economics, Markets at Highs, Daytrading (GOOG), (AAPL), (MSFT), (AMZN) play
Jul 13, 2014 TDI Podcast: Earnings, Eco, P/E Expansion and Europe (#372)

Europe, Portfugal, Economics, Fed, Earnings Expansion (GOOG), (C), (BAC), (GS), (AMZN), (MS), (INTC), (CSX), (EBAY), (LVS) play
Jun 29, 2014 TDI Podcast – Morgan Housel: 140 Financial Things to Know (#370)

Morgan Housel

(AMZN), (GRUB), (YELP), (AAPL), (P) play
Apr 27, 2014 TDI Podcast: Peak Earnings and PANIC! with Jon Markman (#361)

Jon Markman

Earnings, Russia, Peak Earnings, Fed Purchases, Global Macro, New Tech Superstars (NFLX), (KO), (IBM), (NOW), (AMZN), (SPLK), (WDAY), (NXP), (VRNS), (TWTR), (AAPL) play
Feb 02, 2014 TDI Podcast: Guest Jon Markman And A Contagion Warning (#349)

Jon Markman

(BA), (AMZN), (TUR), (VXX), (AAPL), (GLD), (BCRX) play
Oct 27, 2013 TDI Podcast: Frank Curzio’s BEST Company in the World (#336)

Frank Curzio

China, Tesla, Valuations, small-cap stocks, earnings, Facebook (TSLA), (FB), (NQ), (BIDU),(NTES),(XOM),(BBY),(AMZN) play
Feb 10, 2013 TDI Podcast: PermaBear Tim Knight – The Slope of Hope (#300)

Tim Knight

Bearishness, Commodities, Economics, Earnings, Currency Wars (AAPL), (YEN), (AMZN), (KORS), (FOSL) play