Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Apr 20, 2019 TDI Podcast: Investing Like Moses (#608)

Moses Investing, Four Children, Earnings, Markets, Investment Philosophy (SPY), (NFLX), (FB), (MSFT), (AMZN) play
Mar 30, 2019 TDI Podcast: 5 Lessons (#606)

Market Lessons Learned, The Fed's Move, Market Update, Politics and Psychology (SPY), (AAPL), (GOOD), (MSFT), (AMZN) play
Feb 03, 2019 TDI Podcast: New Ways of Thinking with Doc Crosby (#598)

Daniel Crosby

Latest Earnings, Behavioral Finance, Reflexive Mirror Markets (AAPL), (BA), (MMM), (PFE), (XOM), (CVX), (MRK), (AMZN), (CAT), (MSFT), (V), (MCD), (VZ) play
Jan 27, 2019 TDI Podcast: Taxpayer Rights with Daniel Pilla (Episode #597)

Taxpayer Rights, Tax Audits, Fed Stimulus, Global Economics, Earnings (CAT), (AMZN), (XLNX), (FB), (MSFT), (IBM), (PG), (TRV), JNJ), (SMH) play
Nov 18, 2018 TDI Podcast: Curzio Discussing SumAhParts (#588)

Frank Curzio

Economics, Tariffs, Stock Picks, Oil, China, Bad Picks (C), (JWN), (NVDA), (M), (AAPL), (MSFT), (FB), (BABA), (JD) play
Jul 22, 2018 TDI Podcast: The Pull-Forward Theory Explained (#572)

Pull-Forward Economic Theory, Currency War, Economic and Earnings Review, Listener Questions (EEM), (GLD), (MSFT), (AMZN), (AA) play
Jul 14, 2018 TDI Podcast: Banging Heads with Curzio (#571)

Frank Curzio

(NFX), (VNOM), (LPI), (C), (WFL), (BAC), (TSLA), (HLF), (AMZN), (MSFT), (TWTR) play
Apr 22, 2018 TDI Podcast: Two For The Money – Crosby and Seymour (#557)

Daniel Crosby

Tim Seymour

Emerging Markets, Psychology of Investing, Economic Outlook, Earnings, CrypoCurrencies (AAPL), (GOOG), (MSFT), (TSM), (EEM), (XLF), (BTCUSD), (ETHUSD), (LUV), (EFX) play
Apr 23, 2017 TDI Podcast – Reinventing Retirement with Damion Lupo (#506)

Damion Lupo

Phase 2 of Life, Reinvention, Earnings, Benefits of Financial Advisor (AMZN), (AAPL), (MSFT), (AMZN), (GOOG) play
Nov 13, 2016 TDI Podcast: Throwing Spaghetti with Danielle DiMartino Booth (#484)

Danielle DiMartino Booth

The Fed's Process, 2016 Election, Beer Goggle Markets (AAPL), (GOOG), (MSFT), (TBT), (TLT), (X), (LMT), (KOL) play
Oct 16, 2016 TDI Podcast: Investing With Clean Hands (#480)

James Lumberg

Socially Responsible Investing, CEO shenanigans, Fed confusion, Bond Rout (TSLA), (FB), (XOM), (PM), (HON), (TWTR), (CRM), (MSFT), (SBUX) play
Apr 24, 2016 TDI Podcast: Investment Idols with Jack Schwager (#460)

Jack Schwager

Market Wizards, Fundseeder, Earnings, Economics, BOJ ownership pf Japan's Equities (MSFT), (GOOG), (V), (AAPL) play
Jan 31, 2016 TDI Podcast: Mutual Fund Scam Theory (Debunked) (#448)

Joshua Belanger

Mutual Funds Scam, Economics, Earnings (FB), (GOOGL), (MSFT), (OIL) play
Oct 25, 2015 TDI Podcast: The Inside Scoop on Automated Investing (#435)

Jon Stein

Robo-Investing, Stimulus, Markets, Earnings, China, Draghi, Euro, Currencies (GOOG), (AMZN), (WHR), (MSFT), (WTW), (FIT), (P) play
Sep 20, 2015 TDI Podcast: The Fed Blinked (#430)

Fed rate move, China, Cyber Security, Gold move, Stocks (FEYE), (FIT), (ORCL), (MSFT), (BABA), (GPRO), (BIDU), (PANW) play
Apr 26, 2015 TDI Podcast: Daytrading As A Business With Fausto (#410)

Fausto Pugliese

Greece, Economics, Markets at Highs, Daytrading (GOOG), (AAPL), (MSFT), (AMZN) play
Feb 02, 2015 TDI Podcast : Peter Pham on Reification and MutliStability (#398)

Peter Pham

Global economics, markets, earnings, technical analysis (AAPL), (MSFT), (OIL), (SPY) play
Feb 01, 2015 TDI Podcast: Peter Pham on Reification and MutliStability (#398)

Peter Pham

Global economics, markets, earnings, technical analysis (AAPL), (MSFT), (OIL), (SPY) play
May 31, 2014 TDI Podcast – FrankenCurzio on Monster Markets (#366)

Frank Curzio

Small Caps, Buybacks, Europe ECB, M&A, US Oil Production (AAPL), (CLR), (PXD), (EOG), (LPI), (MSFT), (KORS), (TIF), (TJX), (COST), (WMT), (GOGO), (T), (GMCR), (SINA), (IBM) play
Jan 26, 2014 TDI Podcast: Larry Williams, Emerging Markets and Dolphin Fans (#348)

Larry Williams

Emerging markets, Currencies, futures, trading (BIIB), (SVA), (BCRX), (MSFT), (NFLX), (BIDU), (SINA), (DANG) play