Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Mar 30, 2019 TDI Podcast: 5 Lessons (#606)

Market Lessons Learned, The Fed's Move, Market Update, Politics and Psychology (SPY), (AAPL), (GOOD), (MSFT), (AMZN) play
Mar 22, 2019 TDI Podcast: BULLISH with Ross Gerber (#605)

Ross Gerber

Bullish, Tech Stocks, Economy, Autonomous Driving (TSLA), (AAPL), (EA), (GOOG), (MJ) play
Feb 24, 2019 TDI Podcast: Corporate Illusionists, Look Here-Not There (#601)

Shifting metrics, Citi Surprise Index, Triple-Tops, Earnings, Trade (AAPL), (BRK.A), (ROKU), (TTD), (OLED), (PCG), (STMP), (CXO), (KHC), (FDP), (TWTR) play
Feb 03, 2019 TDI Podcast: New Ways of Thinking with Doc Crosby (#598)

Daniel Crosby

Latest Earnings, Behavioral Finance, Reflexive Mirror Markets (AAPL), (BA), (MMM), (PFE), (XOM), (CVX), (MRK), (AMZN), (CAT), (MSFT), (V), (MCD), (VZ) play
Jan 20, 2019 TDI Podcast: Hot Tech Trends with Frank Curzio (#596)

Frank Curzio

Tech Trends, Financial Stocks, Markets, Economy, CES Update (GM), (AMZN), (GS), (NFLX), (AAPL), (INTC), (QCOM), (BAC), (C), (IBM) play
Dec 16, 2018 TDI Podcast: The Low-Down on the Low-Dow (#592)

Reflections on 2018, Economic Outlook, Fed Probability (GS), (ADBE), (IWM), (QQQ), (AAPL), (COST) play
Dec 09, 2018 TDI Podcast: No More Leeway (#591)

Tariffs, Fed dovish moves, Seasonality, Economy, Recession potential (AAPL), (SPY), (IWM), (QQQ) play
Nov 18, 2018 TDI Podcast: Curzio Discussing SumAhParts (#588)

Frank Curzio

Economics, Tariffs, Stock Picks, Oil, China, Bad Picks (C), (JWN), (NVDA), (M), (AAPL), (MSFT), (FB), (BABA), (JD) play
Nov 04, 2018 TDI Podcast: Holiday Gifts from The Fed Cancelled (#586)

Danielle DiMartino Booth

Panic Buying, Fed Rate Hike Pace, Listener Questions, Market Bounce and Outlook (SPY), (IWM), (AAPL), (QQQ) play
Sep 23, 2018 TDI Podcast: ‘Tis The Seasonality (#580)

Christoph Zenk

Seasonal Trends, Seasonax, Market behavior, Listener questions (AAPL), (NFLX), (SPY), (GOOGL) play
Aug 05, 2018 TDI Podcast: Stranger bitThings with Chris DeRose (#574)

Chris DeRose

Bitcoin, Millennials, The Upside Down, Earnings and Economics (AAPL), (EEM), (BTCUSD) play
May 13, 2018 TDI Podcast: PJ Gorynski – The Survey Master (#560)

PJ Gorynski

Weekly Update, Facebook, Snap and Instagram, Key Consumer Surveys, Fear and Greed, Inflation (AAPL), (GE), (SPY), (FB), (TWTR), (SNAP) play
May 06, 2018 TDI Podcast: The Height of Hubris (#559)

Tesla conference call, Earnings and Economics, Apple's buyback plan, TDIMG update (TSLA), (AAPL), (SPY) play
Apr 29, 2018 TDI Podcast: Well Seasoned Finance (#558)

Dimitri Speck

Jason Raznick

Seasonality, Fintech, Santa Rally, Sell in May (HMNY), (AAPL), (IWM) play
Apr 22, 2018 TDI Podcast: Two For The Money – Crosby and Seymour (#557)

Daniel Crosby

Tim Seymour

Emerging Markets, Psychology of Investing, Economic Outlook, Earnings, CrypoCurrencies (AAPL), (GOOG), (MSFT), (TSM), (EEM), (XLF), (BTCUSD), (ETHUSD), (LUV), (EFX) play
Feb 25, 2018 TDI Podcast: Shower, Trickle, Drip (#549)

The end of free social media, rate hike prospects, market fundamentals, economic indicators (TWTR), (BRK.B), (AMZN), (WMT), (AAPL), (SNAP), GOOG) play
Feb 04, 2018 TDI Podcast: Add Debt and Stir with Danielle Park (#546)

Danielle Park

(AAPL), ($BTC), (TLT), (FAZ) play
Jan 28, 2018 TDI Podcast: Decrypting Crypto Charts with Brian Shannon (#545)

Brian Shannon

Cryptocurrency Trading, Chart Setups, Economics, Earnings, Technical Indicators (SNA), (AAPL), ($BTC), ($ETH) play
Jan 07, 2018 TDI Podcast: The Mean Reversion Trade (#542)

CryptoCurrency exchanges, Reversion to the mean, earnings season, listener questions (JPM), (WFC), (AAPL), ($BTCUSD), ($XRPUSD), ($RTHUSD), (GE) play
Dec 22, 2017 TDI Podcast: Negging with Ben Hunt (#540)

Ben Hunt

Bubbles, Negging, Free thinking, Year-end summary ($BTC), (AAPL) play