Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Feb 02, 2014 TDI Podcast: Guest Jon Markman And A Contagion Warning (#349)

Jon Markman

(BA), (AMZN), (TUR), (VXX), (AAPL), (GLD), (BCRX) play
Dec 15, 2013 TDI Podcast: How About This 2014 Investment Idea from China? (#343)

(MR), (GLD), (TWTR) play
Dec 08, 2013 TDI Podcast: Option Strategies with Larry McMillan (#342)

Larry McMillan

Options, Markets, Bitcoin, Stocks, Employment (ULTA), (ARO), (JCP), (GLD) play
Dec 01, 2013 TDI Podcast: Bitcoin’s Bonanza and 5 Turkey Stocks for The Holidays

(GLD), (COG),(VMW),(CLF),(WTI),(DHI),(X) play
Nov 24, 2013 TDI Podcast: Builders, Developers and Puppy Dogs (Episode #340)

Market Tops, Builders, Commodities, Bubbles, Economics (GS), (GLD), (SLV), (SPY) play
Jul 28, 2013 TDI Podcast: The Relentless Market Bid, KRI Index Update and Weekly Outlook (#323)

Earnings update, housing stocks, bonds, KRI Index, Detroit bankrupcy (LEN), (DHI), (EXPE), (MSFT), (GLD), (TLT), (EWJ), play
Jul 14, 2013 TDI Podcast: The Market Got it Wrong(?), Europe Downgraded and Morality (#321)

Jon Markman

Steve Randy Waldman

Steve Randy Waldman

Europe Downgrades, Stocks to Watch, Gold Surge, Oil, China Eco (NUGT), (ALXN), (T), (GLD), (LEAP) play
Jun 30, 2013 TDI Podcast: Bloomberg’s Cady North and Trading the Miners (#320)

Cady North

Market setup, Bonds, Eco Surprise index,Retail Stocks (NUGT), (YEN), (AAPL), (GLD), (BBRY) play
Jun 23, 2013 TDI Podcast: A Fed Surprises and a Market Dive (#319)

Market setup, Bonds, Eco Surprise index,Retail Stocks (Yen), (EWV), (AAPL), (GLD), (ARO), (ANF), (EEM) play
Jun 16, 2013 TDI Podcast: Flip/Flop Market and Solid Advice From Scott O’Neil (#318)

Scott O'Neil

Correction, Stock Patterns, Gold, Japan (Yen), (JGBD), (TSLA), (GLD), (FSLR), (SPWR), (QCOR), (NEM) play
Jun 09, 2013 TDI Podcast: ETFs, Financial Literacy, China’s Eco and Tesla’s Coming Plunge (#317)

Tadas Viskanta

Market breath, china economics,Tesla's coming plunge, listener questions (Yen), (JGBD), (TSLA), (GLD), (AAPL), (ULTA), (QCOR), (WMT) play
Jun 02, 2013 TDI Podcast: The Long and Short of it with Mark Hanna (#316)

Mark Hanna

Market breath, china economics, Japan equities, Japan currency, US economics (Yen), (JGBD), (EWV), (GLD) play
Apr 14, 2013 TDI Podcast: The Twilight Zone, BOJ Slapped, Bull Rally or Last Gasp, Gold and Crude (#309)

Yen, Market Trend, Bird Flu, Leading Stocks, North Korea, Earnings Season, JGBs, Cyprus (JDBD), (JGBS), (GLD), (BCRX), (MSFT), (YUM), (SVA) play
Oct 21, 2012 TDI Podcast: Mutant Trading with TAS Professional, Corn, Gold and Equities (#285)

John Logan

Technical Indicators, Futures, Charts, Trading Google (GOOG), S&P 500 (SPX), Corn (CORN), Gold (GLD) play