Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Jul 21, 2024 TDI Podcast: College Funding Tips (#878)

Brad Baldridge

Small-Caps, The Rotation, Earnings, College Planning, Politics and Economy (UNH), (GS), (BAC) play
Jul 14, 2024 TDI Podcast: Opportunities Await (#877)

(MSFT), (GS), (BA), (NVDA) play
Jan 22, 2023 TDI Podcast: Tech Talk with Curzio (#800)

Frank Curzio

CES Vegas, Technology, EPS Revisions, (GLD), (GDX), (NFLX), (COIN), (URA), (GS), (JWM) play
Oct 16, 2022 TDI Podcast: Danielle DiMartino Booth (#786)

Danielle DiMartino Booth

Fed Experiment, MMT, Policy Error, Inflation (BAC), (GS), (WFC), (JPM) play
Jul 24, 2022 TDI Podcast: Penguins and Ostriches (#774)

(BAC), (GS), (MS), (WFC), (TGT), (XBI) play
Oct 11, 2020 TDI Podcast: Portfolio Prep Time (#683)

Election Plans, Portfolio Positioning, What If game, Earnings Season, Stimulus, Zombie Companies (XLF), (FB), (TWTR), (C), (BAC), (WFC), (GS), (MS) play
Jul 11, 2020 TDI Podcast: K-Shaped Recovery (#670)

SPACs, Earnings, Banks, Shape of the Recovery, Listener Questions (EEM), (JNUG), (PEP), (C), (JPM), (WFC), (GS), (UNH), (SNBR), (MS) play
Jun 27, 2020 TDI Podcast: Going in Reverse (#668)

Positivity Rates, New Locks-downs, One Foot In, Listener Questions (AAL), (UAL), (SPY), (GS), (BAC), (MS), (WFC) play
May 16, 2020 TDI Podcast: Doing The Hokey Pokey (#662)

One Foot Out - One Foot In, Dollar Cost Averaging, Plan, Portfolio Positioning, Valuations (GS), (WFC), (JETS), (UAL), (XLF), (QQQ), (XBI) play
Mar 08, 2020 TDI Podcast: The DuckDaddy Mindset (#652)

Listener Questions, iTunes Review, Re-balancing, Disciplined Investing, Central Bank Actions, Global Slowdown (DIS), (@CL), (FB), (TLT), (GS), (AMZN), (NFLX), (ASHR) play
Jan 18, 2020 TDI Podcast: Left Brain Research (#645)

Noland Langford

Fundamental Analysis, Trade Deal, Quant Investing (ROKU), (MS), (AAPL), (C), (GS) play
Jan 12, 2020 TDI Podcast: Buffing Up on Defined Outcomes (#644)

Buffer Strategies, Defined Outcome Funds, Earnings Season, Listener Questions (JPM), (MJ), (C), (EFC), (OZK), (EEM), (TLT), (BAC), (GS) play
Jul 21, 2019 TDI Podcast: Fix That Alpha Leak – Essentia Analytics (#621)

Clare Flynn Levy

Behavioral Finance, Investment Performance, Earnings Season, Heatwave (AMZN), (GOOG), NFLX), (C), (GS), (BAC), (MSFT) play
Jan 20, 2019 TDI Podcast: Hot Tech Trends with Frank Curzio (#596)

Frank Curzio

Tech Trends, Financial Stocks, Markets, Economy, CES Update (GM), (AMZN), (GS), (NFLX), (AAPL), (INTC), (QCOM), (BAC), (C), (IBM) play
Dec 23, 2018 TDI Podcast: Dangerous Feedback Loop (#593)

Market Wreck, Tools to Cope, Emerging Markets, Trade War, Growth vs. Value (NFLX), (AMZN), (GOOG), (FB), (PG), (EEM), (GS), (HD), (CAT) play
Dec 16, 2018 TDI Podcast: The Low-Down on the Low-Dow (#592)

Reflections on 2018, Economic Outlook, Fed Probability (GS), (ADBE), (IWM), (QQQ), (AAPL), (COST) play
Jul 08, 2018 TDI Podcast : A New Twist on Seasonality Charts (#570)

Seasonality Charts, Economic update, Yield Curve ramifications (EEM), (SPY), (NFLX), (C), (BAC), (GS), (WHR), (X) play
Jul 13, 2014 TDI Podcast: Earnings, Eco, P/E Expansion and Europe (#372)

Europe, Portfugal, Economics, Fed, Earnings Expansion (GOOG), (C), (BAC), (GS), (AMZN), (MS), (INTC), (CSX), (EBAY), (LVS) play
Nov 24, 2013 TDI Podcast: Builders, Developers and Puppy Dogs (Episode #340)

Market Tops, Builders, Commodities, Bubbles, Economics (GS), (GLD), (SLV), (SPY) play
Oct 29, 2012 TDI Podcast: SANDY!!!!! and Satyajit Das (#286)


China, Europe, Market Trend, Earnings, FOMC, Hurricane (AAPL), (AMZN), (GS), (BIDU) play