TDI Podcast: The DuckDaddy Mindset (#652)

An enormous week of volatility – as the VIX hits 54 before closing at 42.

24/7 Coronavirus coverage by media is spooking investors.

Oil and equities taking body blows as bonds yields hit record lows.

AND – we dig into a recent iTunes review by DuckDaddyD…

The Barron Report Podcast – See Andrew’s take on the impact to the hospitality industry

Looking for style diversification? More information on the TDI Managed Growth Strategy – HERE

eNVESTOLOGY Info and Webinar Replay

Friday Pre-Market Run-Down Webinar Registration

Stocks mentioned in this episode: (DIS), (@CL), (FB), (TLT), (GS), (AMZN), (NFLX), (ASHR)
