TDI Podcast: Branding with Ellen Looyen (#425)

Guest:  Ellen Looyen discusses how to best brand ourselves – in both our personal and business lives. A bit of a change up from our usual topics, but worthwhile.

In this episode we also spend some time looking at the recent devaluation of the Yuan, earnings and market stories.

Ellen's Headshot.2014Ellen Looyen, America‘s Leader in Personal Branding brings over two decades of branding expertise to her readers. She has  branded divisions of major corporations, launched countless startups and has helped thousands of people (in over 60 countries)  advance their corporate careers.41GqlM1+3OL._SX335_BO1,204,203,200_

Ellen is a frequent Brand Commentator for CBS News, The Wall Street Journal and KGO Radio; and  some of her clients include: Goldman Sachs, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, eBay, Visa, SAP, Oracle and Campbell‘s Soup Company.

She is also the Amazon Bestselling author of “Branded for Life!…8 Elements to Transform Your Personal Brand, Career and Life.




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