Guests: Satyajiy Das is back by popular demand. We get more emails from listeners requesting Das than you can believe. Maybe it is his factual accounts of what is really going on behind the scenes in Europe that has us all listening to his advice. On this episode, we talk about Italy, France and Greece as the central issues we need to watch closely. Then, Tom McClellan provides us some insight into the cycles that are now in play for the markets. Using some of his statistical insight and history of markets, we find out what may be in store for the remainder of the year.
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Satyajit Das has worked in financial derivatives, risk management, and capital markets for over 30+ years.
Since 1994, Mr. Das has acted as a consultant to financial institutions and corporations in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. Previously, between 1977 and 1994, Mr. Das worked on the `sell side‘ (Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Citicorp Investment Bank and Merrill Lynch) and the `buy side‘ (Treasurer of the TNT Group, an Australian based international transport and logistics company).
Das is the author of a number of key reference works on derivatives and risk management. His works include Swaps/ Financial Derivatives Library Third Edition (2005, John Wiley & Sons) (a 4 volume 4,200 page reference work for
practitioners on derivatives) and Credit Derivatives, CDOs and Structured Credit Products Third Edition (2005, John Wiley & Sons). He is the author of Traders, Guns & Money: Knowns and Unknowns in the Dazzling World of Derivatives (2006, FT-Prentice Hall), an insider‘s account of derivatives trading and the financial products business filled with black humor and satire. The book has been described by the Financial Times, London as ” fascinating reading explaining not only the high-minded theory behind the business and its various products but the sometimes sordid reality of the industry”.
- Eurointelligence
- Minyanville
- Satyajit‘s Blog
He is also the author (with Jade Novakovic) of In Search of the Pangolin: The Accidental Eco-Tourist (2006, New Holland), an unique narrative offering passionate and often poignant insights into the natural world and the culture of eco-travel.
Get Das’s latest book, Extreme Money HERE
Tom McClellan is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point where he studied aerospace engineering, and he served as an Army helicopter pilot for 11 years. He began his own study of market technical analysis while still in the Army, and discovered ways to expand the use of his parents‘ indicators to forecast future market turning points. Tom views the movements of prices in the financial market through the eyes of an engineer, which allows him to focus on what the data really say rather than interpreting events according to the same “conventional wisdom” used by other analysts. In 1993, he left the Army to join his father in pursuing a new career doing this type of analysis. Tom and Sherman spent the next 2 years refining their analysis techniques and laying groundwork.
In April 1995 they launched their newsletter, The McClellan Market Report, an 8 page report covering the stock, bond, and gold markets, which is published twice a month. They utilize the unique indicators they have developed to present their view of the market‘s structure as well as their forecasts for future trend direction and the timing of turning points. A Daily Edition was added in February 1998 to give subscribers daily updates on their indicators and also provide market position indications for stocks, bonds and gold. Their subscribers range from individual investors to professional fund managers. Tom serves as editor of both publications, and runs the newsletter business from its location in Lakewood, WA.
The signup link is
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