Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Nov 11, 2012 TDI Podcast: Hot Hot Latin Stocks with Juan Villegas (#288)

Juan Villegas

Technical Indicators, Latin America , Election, Earnings (EC), S&P 500 (SPX), Apple (AAPL), (MELI), Brazil (EWZ), (GXG). Mexico (EWW) play
Nov 04, 2012 TDI Podcast: The Next Direction for the S&P 500 with L.A. Little (#287)

L.A. Little

Technical Indicators, Futures, Charts, Trading Google (GOOG), S&P 500 (SPX), Apple (AAPL), Ruby Tuesday (RT), Macy's (M) play
Oct 29, 2012 TDI Podcast: SANDY!!!!! and Satyajit Das (#286)


China, Europe, Market Trend, Earnings, FOMC, Hurricane (AAPL), (AMZN), (GS), (BIDU) play
Oct 14, 2012 TDI Podcast: Triple E- Earnings, Economics and Europe (#284)

Technical Analysis, Earnings Season, Economics Apple (AAPL), Alcoa (AA), JP Morgan (JPM), Wells Fargo (WFC), Align (ALGN), Microsoft (MSFT), Google (GOOG) play
Oct 07, 2012 TDI Podcast: Gloom, Doom With Marc Faber and Howard Silfen on Politics (#283)

Marc Faber

Howard Silfen

Howard Silfen

Politics, Economy, Earnings Season, Economics Apple (AAPL), Alcoa (AA), JP Morgan (JPM), Wells Fargo (WFC) play
Sep 30, 2012 TDI Podcast: Solving the Federal Budget with WSJ’s David Wessel (#282)

David Wessell

China economics, US Budget and deficit, Europe, Economy Apple (AAPL), Caterpillar (CAT) play
Sep 16, 2012 TDI Podcast: iPhone 5, German Ruling and FED Decision with RANSquawk (#280)

Anthony Cheung

Stocks, Europe, FOMC, Stimulus, Metals, China Stimulus (ADBE), (AAPL), (VIX), (TZA) (CLF), (X), (AKS) play
Sep 09, 2012 TDI Podcast: China Stimulus, FOMC and Stocks That Could Fly (#279)

Stocks, Europe, FOMC, Stimulus, Metals, China Stimulus (AAPL), (RGR), (LULU), (ULTA), (CLF), (X), (AKS), (GGB), (GX) play
Aug 19, 2012 TDI Podcast: Presidential Cycles, Sector Rotation and The VIX (#276)

Tom McClellan

Vix, McClellan Oscillator, Economics, Sector Rotation (AAPL) (GOOG) (TVIX) (UNG) play
Jul 30, 2012 TDI Podcast: Hot Emerging Growth Stocks with Jon Markman (#273)

Jon Markman

Joseph Brusuelas

Joseph Brusuelas

GDP, Markets, Economy, Europe, Futures (ALGN), (AAPL), (BWLD), (AMGN), (ZNGA), (GRPN), (MSFT), (MRK), (JNJ), (AMZN), (SPLK), (DCRA), (ELLI), (INXN) play
Jul 01, 2012 TDI Podcast: Bloomberg’s Yamarone Outlook and EconomicTruths (#270)

Richard Yamarone

Europe, technical analysis, Obamacare, (NEM), (GOLD), (AAPL), (LNG), (GMCR), (STX), play
Jun 10, 2012 TDI Podcast: The NON Bailout of Spain and Bloomberg’s Brusuelas (#267)

Joseph Brusuelas

Europe, Apple, Spain, Commodities (NEM), (GOLD), (AAPL) play
Apr 29, 2012 TDI Podcast: Trends and Cycles – What To Expect Next and How to Prepare (#261)

Mark Hanna

Larry Williams

Larry Williams

IBD Market Trend, Market Cycles, Europe, China, Earnings (AAPL), (CROX), (BIDU), (GOOG), (LNKD), (TPX), (GS), (SIMO), (BWLD) play
Apr 22, 2012 TDI Podcast: DAS is Back! Market Trend, China Implosion and EuroZone Troubles (#260)


China, Europe, Market Trend, Earnings, FOMC (AAPL), (AA), (GS), (VMW), (SINA), (TPX), (BAC), (RVBD), (BWLD) play
Apr 15, 2012 TDI Podcast: Ed Easterling, Earnings Watch and S&P to 2,000 or 1,000? (#259)

Ed Easterling

S&P Earnings, China Eco, Employment, Stocks to Watch (AAPL), (AA), (C), (GS), (MS), (CROX) play
Apr 08, 2012 TDI Podcast: Changing Trend, Is Apple’s Run Over? (#258)

Is Apple's run over< My Daily Routine, China Eco, Eco Surpise Index, Market Trend Change (AAPL), (AA) play
Apr 01, 2012 TDI Podcast: Abnormal Returns with Tadas Viskanta (#257)

Tadas Viskanta

Greece, China PMI, ESI Index, Bernanke, Gas Prices (AAPL),(WPRT),(CROX),(CLNE) play
Mar 18, 2012 TDI Podcast: The Psychology of The 50 Day Moving Average with Brian Shannon (#255)

Brian Shannon

Greece Default, Green Mountain Coffee, Natural Gas, Energy, Economics (SPY), (WPRT), (AAPL),(CLNE),(CRR), (MCP), (BAC), (JPM), (C), (WFC) play
Mar 04, 2012 TDI Podcast: Fusion Analytics with Joshua Brown and The Non-Default Default (#253)

Joshua Brown

Natural Gas, Day, Greece, Europe,Earnings, Apple, Emplyment (UNG), (WPRT), (QCOR),(LNG),(CLR), (WTI), (AAPL),(WYNN) (SFLY) play
Feb 12, 2012 TDI Podcast: VIX Surges, Apple (AAPL) Climax and Das On Europe (#250)


Europe, Vix, Middle East, Climax tops (AAPL), (VIX), (SPY), (CSCO) play