GS Elevator Talk – FUNNNNY (and how to follow)

Too funny! If you are not following on Twitter, I would suggest that you add ASAP. There are some funny tweets that they produce.

From a recent tweet/post:

Congratulations, you made it. You are a 2013 Goldman Sachs Summer Analyst. You might feel like you just crossed the finish line. But the race hasn‘t even started yet.

Most banks hire the majority of their 1st year Analysts from the intern pool. They‘ve proven themselves. They‘re likely to accept the offer. And it saves HR a shitload of time and money.

Don‘t worry if you don‘t make the cut. You `ve been vetted and hired by Goldman fucking Sachs. Even if this is your last dance here, there are plenty of Vineyard Vines wearing, New Canaan commuting, Morgan Stanley name-dropping `rainmakers‘ waiting to pick you up and dust you off. Not making the cut at Goldman is like being traded by the Yankees. You‘ll still probably make millions, but it‘s just not the same.

So here are 20 tips to help you with your journey:

  1. If your boss smokes, smoke.

  2. If your boss is Indian or Pakistani, learn the rules of cricket. He probably also smokes, so see #1. But be careful, if he doesn‘t, he‘s a vegetarian yogi

  3. Don‘t wear Hermes ties, ever. You have to earn it

Check out the full list HERE

Click to follow in Twitter
