Month: June 2010

The Fed’s Beige Book – Color Coded for Easy Analysis

The Fed issued the region Beige Book with the following highlights: (Green=Better, Red=Worse or no improvement)
Fed’s Beige Book Says Economy Improved In All 12 Districts
Commercial Real Estate Remained `Weak,’ Beige Book Says
Fed Says Labor Market `Improved Slightly’ In Most Districts
Fed Says Loan Quality Stable Or Improving...

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TDI Podcast 164: Yves Smith – Naked Capitalism

Guest: Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism discusses some of the more important points of living in a world of economics and accounting gone wild. We discuss cures for the EuroZone and a take down of the book , The Big Short by Michael Lewis. In this episode, we also explore market...

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Have You Seen Some of These Commodity Charts?

It has been a wicked ride for some commodities lately. Sugar was at an all-time high just a few months ago. Lumber has also been under attack of late.

Gold and some of the metals group have been holding up well as alternatives for currencies as the fear of a sovereign...

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World Market Reversal Trends

Here is an interesting way at looking at reversal trends for world equity and currency markets. Notice that there is a clump of currencies in the down-down quadrant (bottom left)

When looking at this, look at both the X and Y axis to see the change from period to period. Optimally,...

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Oil Inventories – Are They Telling Us Anything?

Oil and Gas invetoriy numbers were released this moring. Inventory drawdowns in oil were heavy, but gasoline inventories, while seeing a drawdown, were not at expectations. This could mean that demand for gasoline is not there or that there was a significant build due to production. The latter would appear...

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