Date Published Title Guest Podcast Topics Stocks Audio
Apr 28, 2024 TDI Podcast: Dismal Science (#866)

John Williams

Hyperinflation, Alternative Data, Economics, Earnings, GDP, Gold (GLD), (SLV), (MSFT), (META) play
Mar 10, 2024 TDI Podcast: One Sided (#859)

Thomas Thornton

Paul Moore

Hedging, Rates, Stock Valuations, Real Estate, Hedging (NVDA), (AAPL), (GOOGL), (BA), (META), (CSCO) play
Feb 11, 2024 TDI Podcast: Curzio’s Snappy Idea (#855)

Frank Curzio

CRE Banking Crisis, CES, Technology, AI, Correction, SNAPPY Idea, Gold, Bitcoin (META), (F), (GM), (NVDA), (AMD), (SNAP), (TSLA), (DIS) play
Jan 28, 2024 TDI Podcast: PermaBear Knight (#853)

Tim Knight

PermaBear, Technical Analysis, Charting, Market Wisdom (NVDA), (GOOG), (AAPL), (AMD), (META), (MSFT), (INTC) play
Jun 04, 2023 TDI Podcast: Foggy TARA (#819)

Thomas Nelson

Target Date Funds, Asset Allocation, May markets, Tech, AI (AAPL), (GOOG), (META), (NVDA), (AMD), (CRM) play
Mar 12, 2023 TDI Podcast: Sailing Away with Tech Tidbits (#807)

Tech Stocks, Tech Trends, Best Of 2022 (META), (AAPL), (GOOG), (RBLX), AMZN) play
Feb 05, 2023 TDI Podcast: Peak Clean Energy Theory (#802)

Erik Townsend

Peak Clean Energy, Oil, Short Squeeze, Fed Hikes, MOMO and FOMO (AAPL), (AMZN), (META), (MSFT) play
Dec 04, 2022 TDI Podcast: Hunting for the Magic Money Machine (#793)

Ben Hunt

Grift, FTX, SBF, Magic Money Machine, Macguffen (APPL), (GOOG), (MSFT), (DXY), (EEM), (META), (KODK), (FTX.BS) play
Nov 06, 2022 TDI Podcast: Crash Landing with Curzio (#789)

Frank Curzio

Fed rate hike outlook, protecting your portfolio, metaverse (AAPL), (META), (SPY), (XLE), (GLD), (AMZN) play
Oct 29, 2022 TDI Podcast: Value Proposition (#788)

Emotions, Fed, Fees, Investing Costs, Cycles (BAC), (GOOG), (AMZN), (AAPL), (META) play
Oct 23, 2022 TDI Podcast: The Roots are Solid (#787)

Webinar Replay, Market Update, Earnings, Fed Trial Balloon (SNAP), (TLT), (META) play
Aug 07, 2022 TDI Podcast: Inside Wall Street’s Secrets (#776)

Frank Curzio

STONKS, Shadow Stats, Secrets of The Stock Market, FOBI and FOMO, Metaverse (SOFI), (SPCE), (META), (HKD), (U), (AAPL), (RBLX), (BTCUSD) play
Jul 31, 2022 TDI Podcast: Economic Theater (#775)

R Word, What they are not telling us, Flightless Birds, Lessons to Live By, Everything Cycles (AMC), (GME), (SHOP), (META), (SLV) play
Nov 21, 2021 TDI Podcast: Back to Basics Series – Saving Lobster Traps (#741)

Kevin Hoffmann

Savings Plans, Retirement, Tax Efficiency, 401k Plans, Christmas Club (AAPL), (META), (RBLX) play