I hereby request that The Disciplined Investor (TDI) remove personal data about me from their information database for the purposes of marketing. I understand my request will be processed within two weeks after I respond to the confirmation email I will receive after my TDI Opt-Out request has been submitted. I also understand that to complete my Opt-Out request online, I must provide a valid email address, and that if I do not have a valid email address, I can submit my request by telephone at 954-349-0800 or fax to 954-349-1414.

I certify that the information provided below relates to a single identity that is one of the following:

  • – Myself,
  • – An individual for which I have legal guardianship or power of attorney,
  • – or a deceased member of my family.

Please add all variations of your name (i.e. nick names, former names, married name, common spellings/mis-spellings), all phone numbers, email addresses, P.O. Boxes and street addresses that you regularly use or are associated with, and which you would like added to the Opt-Out request, in the additional information/comments field below.

(For additional information on TDI Privacy Policy, CLICK HERE)

* = Required fields

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.