According to, a blog (short for Weblog) is “a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily or weekly, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
The definition of blog is constantly evolving, though, as blogs move into the mainstream, shedding their image as the bastion of the self-obsessed who just have to self-express. Thousands of new blogs are being created every day, for all sorts of purposes. Rather than existing to catalog someone’s personal life, many blogs serve as discussion communities about particular issues.
Another definition may be: A blog is a regularly updated online journal of information and opinions. Anyway you want to look at it, the fact is that it is information brought to the reader that is usually opinionated and timely.
The important thing to note is that THIS BLOG is a living and breathing conversation. Bookmark it with the permalink or other bookmark systems in the right sidebar and then visit and comment often.
Here are some other important definitions that will help you understand more about Blogs:
How is a weblog different from a website?
A weblog is a website that is updated frequently, most often displaying its material in journal-like chronological dated entries or posts. Most blogs allow readers to post comments to your the post, and link from their blog to your posts using the permanlink URL or address. In a blog, the content can be published and syndicated separate from the formatting using an RSS feed. Readers can then subscribe to the feed to automatically receive updates.
What is a weblog post or entry?
An entry, a post, or a posting, are the terms often used to refer to a specific article or commentary written by the blogger on his or her weblog.
What is a comment?
Many weblogs allow readers to write a reaction to what was written in the blog entry. Comments can often be found directly following the blog entry.
What is RSS?
RSS is a file format that allows anyone with a website ”” from large media companies to individual commentators ”” to easily “syndicate” their content, similar to how comic strips and popular columns are syndicated by their owners to hundreds of newspapers. Except that on the Web, the RSS syndication is usually free, and the content that is syndicated is often not the full entry, but excerpts and links back to the originating website. A speical Blog tracking stie like Technorati uses RSS to track updates to millions of blogs.
What is “syndication”?
In traditional media, syndication is a way of making content (such as OpEd columns or cartoons) available to many media outlets to publish simultaneously, usually for a fee. In the world of weblogs syndication means making part of a website available for consumption in a specialized reader or for other sites to use and publish, often for free. The part of a site made available for such syndication is most often a “RSS newsfeed” that lets other tools and sites display some or all of the site’s content with proper attributions and links to the original source.
How is RSS different from a blog?
A blog is a website which usually includes current entries, comments, a “blogroll,” and an archive. An RSS newsfeed is a way of representing a portion of that website.