10 Most Annoying Things About This Recession

Where do I begin? There are so many things that are outright frustrating about this “economic downturn” that it makes my head spin. From our government to the banks, there are so many players that have provided conflicting forecasts that it is no wonder why there is confusion out there.homer_scream

So, I thought I would count to 10 and list some of those that may be the most difficult to deal with… (could not just stop there…)

Feel free to add your own….

  1. The contradictions from the Treasury and the Fed on their direction.
  2. End of day run up/downs of the markets by 1% in the last 15 minutes.
  3. CNBC listing of last years earnings and revenues on the right side of charts.
  4. Titles of Bloomberg’s articles that show good news when content differs.
  5. All of the geniuses that “called the bottom”, All of the geniuses that called the “top”, All of the geniuses.
  6. The PR parade of newly devised phrases to confound and confuse (green shoots, less bad, continuing to stabilize, toxic assets, in the context of …, better than expected, etc.)
  7. According to the experts, the bevy of shapes this recession could take: W, L, U, V, J, N, M, or a Square root sign.
  8. How incredibly bad economist and analysts are at predicting anything.
  9. The games that the Fed plays. The lack of transparency of the FED. The back door deals by the Fed. The Fed……
  10. The fact that   AIG, FannieMae and FreddieMac still trading?
  11. One more for good luck: Banks upgrading Banks


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