TPR Commodity ALERTS! – Performance

TriggerPoint Research recently launched the commodity ALERT! service at the request of many readers and listeners. Basically, it is a natural offshoot of the equity ALERTS! that have had a successful history since inception. With this program, trade setups are clearly defined and most positions are opened and closed within the same day.

With the extra leverage that is embedded in trading commodities/futures, we are looking to get high confidence signals that can provide a solid risk/reward potential. Below is the latest performance measured on a portfolio model basis. Note that there has been limited draw-down over the period.

If you would like to learn more about the performance, we publish a report about every two weeks. Click HERE for the detailed information and the reports.

ALSO, if you would like to check out the program (we teach you how to setup the trade and give you the exact order parameters) – get the 14-day free trial


1-15-2013 2-09-32 PM

TriggerPoint Research is a joint venture with TAS Professional.